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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.software.anu-news:4868 news.answers:4321
- Newsgroups: news.software.anu-news,news.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!wupost!cs.utexas.edu!mercury.unt.edu!sol.acs.unt.edu!billy
- From: billy@sol.acs.unt.edu (Billy Barron - VAX/UNIX Systems Manager)
- Subject: FAQ: news.software.anu-news
- Message-ID: <anu.month_723209821@mercury.unt.edu>
- Summary: frequently asked questions for news.software.anu-news
- Sender: usenet@mercury.unt.edu (UNT USENet Adminstrator)
- Supersedes: <anu.month_720617821@mercury.unt.edu>
- Organization: University of North Texas
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1992 11:37:08 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Mon, 28 Dec 1992 23:37:01 GMT
- Lines: 186
- Archive-name: anu-faq
- This monthly posting is edited by Billy Barron, University of North Texas.
- Please send any suggestions for improvement to billy@unt.edu.
- Acknowledgments to Geoff Huston, Bob Sloane, and Reg Quinton for portions
- of the content.
- 1. What is ANU News?
- ANU NEWS is a computer-based conferencing system for VAX/VMS systems. ANU NEWS
- can be connected into the Global USENET news network and/or any other news
- network. ANU NEWS supports both DECnet and TCP/IP (Multinet, WIN/TCP, Ultrix
- Connection, EXCELAN TCP, and CMU) as transports.
- The current version of ANU NEWS is 6.0-3 with the Bill Glass patches.
- 2. Purpose of News.software.anu-news
- The purpose of news.software.anu-news is to discuss any and all ANU NEWS
- related issues. It is the primary support channel for ANU NEWS users.
- New versions, fixes, workarounds, etc are posted to the newsgroup. Bug
- reports/fixes and suggestions for improvement are always welcome. Please
- always RTFM (Read The Friendly Manual) before posting.
- 3. How to subscribe
- On USENET, news.software.anu-news is a regularly available newsgroup. In
- general, it is preferable to read the newsgroup instead of the mailing list.
- To subscribe to this list BITNET/EARN/NetNorth Users may be able to send an
- interactive message to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 (via SEND or TELL). For example:
- SEND LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 SUB ANU-NEWS Jane Doe (your first/last name)
- Internet/BITNET/EARN/NetNorth/UUCP users may send MAIL to
- LISTSERV@VM1.NoDak.EDU or LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 with the first line of the TEXT or
- BODY of mail being:
- SUB ANU-NEWS firstname lastname (e.g. SUB ANU-NEWS John Doe ).
- 4. Frequently Asked Questions:
- Q: How do I acquire a copy of ANU News?
- A: ANU News is available for anonymous FTP on sao.aarnet.edu.au (Australia)
- and kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Kansas, USA). Other sites may also have it
- available. Please use the site closest to you. There are two versions
- available: a normal backup saveset and a LZW compressed version of the
- backup savesets. VMS LZW programs are available on kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
- also and through DECUS. For network load reasons, it is preferable if you
- acquire LZW and the compressed version of ANU NEWS.
- The Glass patch was posted to the newsgroup after V6.0-2 was released. The
- archives for the newsgroup are accessable from listserv@vm1.nodak.edu.
- here's an example of what you should send to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu:
- //ListSrch JOB Echo=No,Reply-via=mail
- Database Search DD=Rules
- //Rules DD *
- Select glass v6.0-3 patch in anu-news since 1-jan-1991
- print
- /*
- i believe you can send mail there with a subject (or is it body?)
- of "help", and it'll send help.
- Q: Does anybody have documentation for ANU News?
- A: At the anonymous FTP sites, you will find another compressed backup
- saveset called something like news-v60-3_doc.bck_z. It contains the
- documentation for ANU News. The documentation is excellent. It comes
- in several formats. The news_sit.hqx is a BINHEXed Stuffit archive
- which contains the Microsoft Word version of the document. News.ps
- is the Postscript version designed for A4 papersize. Finally, there
- is an ASCII version called news.txt. By all means, use the Word or
- Postscript versions if possible. They include some screen dumps and
- are nicely formatted.
- For installation, there is an additional installation document found in
- the NEWS_DOC saveset in the version on KUHUB. A newer version of this
- installation document can be found via anonymous FTP to FTP.UNT.EDU in
- the VMS directory. It is called ANU.INSTALL. The major difference
- between the two version is that the newer one has information on using
- NNTP over DECnet.
- Stanley Wong of the University of Sydney has written a document called
- "Network News on the VAX/VMS System." It is an entry level document
- that is pretty good. It can be acquired by anonymous FTP to
- DECO.UCC.SU.OZ.AU in the resource-guides directory. It is available in
- both PostScript and ASCII formats.
- FYI: several people have asked me about the UNT documentation on
- ANU News. All it is an edited form of the original documentation
- reprinted with Geoff Huston's permission on the UNT campus. I do
- not redistribute it off-campus as the original documentation is
- more complete and more global than my edited version.
- Q: I'm having problems printing the Postscript documentation on my printer.
- A: The Postscript file is setup for A4 page size. In the US, a different
- page size is commonly used. In this case, you will need to use the
- Microsoft Word version of the document and print it via Word.
- Q: NEWS is sending everything I get back to my feed system. What do I do?
- A: Make sure that the system name in NEWS.SYS matches what your feed
- system puts in the Path: header.
- Q: Why do I sometimes fall into newsgroups when using the arrow keys?
- A: DEC's SMG routines have a bug in which they return the wrong value
- on 44th attempt and at other times. The discussion and workarounds
- for the problem are available via anonymous FTP on ftp.unt.edu
- in the vms directory filename NEWS-SMG.PATCH. This is an UNOFFICIAL
- patch and is a "use at your own risk" program.
- Q: ANU is not sending my local posts to other sites.
- A: There are many possible causes. One possible problem and work around
- is described in the file ANU.UCX-NNTP-FIX on ftp.unt.edu in the vms
- directory. This file describes a problem and workaround for a problem
- with the UCX NNTP code. It may or may not be valid for other NNTP drivers.
- Q: I am remote reading (diskless client) with ANU from a Cnews site and
- my users regularly crash due to memory problems.
- A: Verify that NNTP on the Cnews side is returning the correct message
- numbers on the list command. If not, then a patch exists somewhere
- on the net for Cnews to take care of this. (where?) Nothing is
- wrong with ANU.
- Q: How do I connect to an NNTP server?
- A: Try "news/netsever=newshost/netproto=tcp" where "newshost" is the name
- of the NNTP server. Note this connects over a TCP/IP network and requires
- that News was built to support to support that service. Also requires
- that the server accept a connection from your system.
- Q: News is awfully slow to start up. Especially for NNTP connections.
- A: News> set profile/fastload
- Will configure news to only load those newsgroup in which you are registered.
- This makes the start up considerably faster but you don't have access to
- groups you're not registered in. However, if you try and access a group
- that you are not registered to, ANU will access load all the groups off
- the NNTP server at that point.
- Q: News is still slow to start up to an NNTP server.
- A: News> set profile/display=(unseenstack,nolines,nopost)
- Will configure news to only show you new articles and will not retrieve
- the line count or posting date. This is especially useful if you're
- running off of an NNTP server that doesn't support ANU extensions to NNTP.
- Retrieving line counts and posting dates is notoriously time consuming.
- Q: How do I get a signature file appended to my articles?
- A: News> set profile/signature=file.name
- Note you should keep your signature file brief -- no more than three
- lines.
- Q: How do I get my full name into my return address?
- A: News> set profile/personal_name="Your Name"
- Q: I want to use emacs as my editor.
- A: News> set profile/editor=emacs
- Note this requires, of course, that you have emacs installed on your
- system.
- Q: Command recall doesn't work.
- A: Of course it does -- use CTRL-B to go back a command. The arrow keys
- have been bound to other commands.
- Q: Do I need this big newsrc. file?
- A: News> set profile/rcfilter
- Will store only the registered groups in your newsrc. file, this makes
- rewritting the file quicker. Not required if you have /fastload set in
- your profile.
- Q: I want to display groups in a different order.
- A: News> set profile/rcorder
- Will display newsgroups in the order they are listed in your newsrc.
- file -- edit the file to order things accordingly.
- Q. I have just installed the NEWS server software. When I ran it the first
- time, I got the message:
- RMS-E-FNF, file not found
- RMS-F-IFI, invalid internal file identifier
- A> Either there is some problem with your NEWS logicals, the NEWS
- executable is not properly installed, or the account that you started
- NEWS from the first time doesn't have the NEWS manager id granted to it.